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About the Hurrah Players
The Hurrah Players are a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization in Virginia that provides family-friendly performances and education. They offer classes for all ages and skill levels in acting, musical theater, tap, jazz, hip hop, dancing, singing, and stage craft. The Hurrah Players also host camps, including Spring Break Theatre Camps and four summer camps.
Hugh Copeland founded The Hurrah Players 40 years ago with a group of people who believed in his dream of providing performing arts training and performance opportunities in the community. The Hurrah Players’ mission is to unite and advance communities through their accessible and quality programs and productions. They strive to be nationally recognized for the affordability of their programs, the achievements of their alumni, and their commitment to the local community.
Our Mission
The Hurrah Players, Inc., Virginia’s Leading Family Theatre Company, is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization committed to unite and advance communities through accessible, quality, family-friendly performances and education.
Our Vision
For The Hurrah Players, Inc. to be a family friendly theatre company that is nationally recognized for the quality and affordability of its performing arts education programs and productions, the achievements of its alumni and its commitment to the local community.
Our Guiding Principals
- To provide affordable performing arts training that promotes the building of strong character for all students, regardless of race, religion, creed, or ability to pay
- To provide an environment where all ages can become involved and have opportunities to learn about the performing arts, develop their talents and grow as individuals
- To develop confidence in students that transfers from the stage into better performance at school or work
- To teach interpersonal skills through cooperation and teamwork
- To foster self-discipline by requiring promptness, time management, diligent effort, and perseverance
- To teach respect for, openness to, and understanding of those who are different than themselves by inviting cross-cultural communication and empathy
- To encourage the development of new skills and for students to strive to reach their full potential in all areas of life
- To stimulate and cultivate individual creativity and imaginative thought processes which help students become better performers and more successful in their academics or careers
- To set a high standard for the performances, programs and activities of The Hurrah Players in order to give Hurrah Players a sense of pride that they are part of something special
- To create a lifelong joy for theatre with continued support for the arts
Our Philosophy
Learn & Grow
To provide an environment where people of all ages can become involved and learn about the performing arts, develop their talents and grow as individuals.
To encourage self discovery, the development of new skills and confidence to enable students to reach their fullest potential in life.
To provide affordable performing arts training that promotes the building of strong character for all, regardless of race, religion, creed, or socioeconomic background.
To foster self-discipline in the areas of time management, focused attention, diligent effort, and perseverance.
Our Classes at a Glance
- Intro to Stage Acting
- Audition Tech
- Camera Acting
- Hip Hop
- Ballet for Movement
- Collaboration in Acting
- Jazz I-IV
- Tap I-IV
- Musical Theatre
- The Pusher Improv
- Co Harrison’s Babes on Broadway
- Vocal Tech
- Theatre Games for Acting
Our Camps
Spring Break
April 14 - 18, 2025
Campers will learn
Musical Theater, Dance and how theater performances come together
8:40-9am drop off - 3:30pm dismissal
Ages 5+
Aftercare available until 5:30pm
Summer Camps
Camp 1: June 16 - 27
Camp 2: July 7 - 18
Camp 3: July 21 - August 1
Camp 4: August 4 - 16
Hurrah Teen Performance Camp: Date TBA
8:40-9am drop off - 3:30pm dismissal
Ages 5+
Aftercare available until 5:30pm
Grateful Hurrah Players Highlight
Hurrah gave me a purpose and helped me discover my passion. I had such a sense of fulfillment at a young age because of The Hurrah Players and Hugh Copeland. It set the track for my career and life.

Through kindness, acceptance and love, Hurrah became a place most of us call home and people we call family. I can never replace the collection of incredible memories I have or the lessons I have learned. I believe anyone who joins will inevitably begin to feel this way and become part of our family.